Tag Archives: underwater

Seal encounter

A little bit late but I have been working to get ready for an exhibition and taking time to keep an eye on Thomas.
Fathers day on the Scillies.
The highlight of the day was snorkelling with seals of the Eastern isles with Alice, lots of wet suite protection for the colder deeper waters. Great encounter and plenty of material for some future underwater painting. Alice was a star not at all frightened by the seals or her first time in open water and we spent a couple of hours with the animals.
Snorkelling off st Martins was a not as good as the outgoing tide had made visibility poor but wonderful beaches and landscape. A pint in the newly opened pub and walk along the beach to pick up the boat then on the st Agnes for a meal in the Turks head. Great day and one neither of us will forget
Monday morning and a trip to the western isles to see Puffins in particular and we did see them close up on the water and on the rocks, more inspiration for future work.
Its been a memorable weekend and crammed lots in but worth every minute. If we get a chance to go in the future I would probably base myself on another island and chill more, or not



Byrher, Tresco and Kayaking

Paddling to shore in the hot sunshine from the morning boat from St Marys at Rushy bay with its unique flora. Alice and I hired a couple of Kayaks and set off to Samson and Puffin island but it was the low spring tide so a bit shallow to snorkel and its one of the few days you can walk between Tresco, Bryher and st Martins so for much of the time I walked until we got to Trescoscillies 222

scillies 243

scillies 252.
I have been teaching Alice to snorkel but this is the first time with flippers it was great and even though bit shallow we did discover crabs and other marine life shes now more confident and I look forward to getting in the water when back home. Its our responsibility to show our children what the natural world has to offer and help them experience it first hand with out doing this they wont have that important hands on link, with it they will enjoy the world more. I dont have a problem with tablets, phones and other man made devices they all have a role to play but I do believe that getting out in the world is the best. We are lucky and Alice is able to play out in the street and down in the woods as well as the beach and sea but she does enjoy facetime and instagram and socialising in many different ways with her friends and family.
But memories are stronger when you experience things together its just a shame that my wife Lizzie and Thomas cannot be here.
I have started to get some inspiration to paint marine wildlife but I feel I will have to snorkel more when I get home so the image is fresh in my mind.